AR Filter Experience: How Custom AR Filters Can Boost Your Brand Personality

All you have to do is open one social media app. It could be Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat. When it comes to entertaining and quality AR filters, there is no beating Snapchat. It implemented those filters before they started attracting marketers. Today marketing is a cutthroat business. There is always a need to keep a lookout for a new approach for showcasing products and services, spreading awareness, boosting engagement, and driving organic traffic.

Now, AR filters aren’t a novelty. Due to the increasing use of Instagram and other social media platforms, we come in contact with them almost daily. Big brands like Disney and Gucci shell out some fun new filters every once in a while. Children and adults alike enjoy reminiscing about the old times with Mickey and Minnie, and some of them are more than ready to binge-watch the show with or without their children. It drives organic traffic to their website or an OTT platform that airs that particular cartoon show.

Live Examples of AR Filters Driving Traffic:

1. Snapchat Filters

Snapchat filters offer businesses and marketers a new mode for spreading brand awareness. One only has to take a look at the success of Maggi noodles in India. If we told you the first bowl of Maggi noodles was made in 1872, would you believe it? You should, because it was. Nestle purchased Maggi in 1947, but it didn’t gain popularity until the later part of the 20th century. Nestle poured millions of dollars into marketing and advertising. The television advert of a mom promising her hungry child a meal in 2-minutes got the attention of the masses. And once that fire was lit, there was no stopping it.

Let us share a simple marketing fact: If no one knows about your business, who will purchase your products or services? You have to steer them towards your business, make them aware of its presence.

Similarly: When no one knows your website or app exists, why will they visit it? You have to leave them some bread crumbs so that they can reach you and learn about your services.

There was a time when you had limited marketing avenues and just as little exposure. Fortunately, that is not the case today. We now have new marketing means such as AR filters, and Snapchat is one platform that allows users to create free filters to suit every business’s needs. But suppose your business requires more features. They can create a Snapchat business account instead.

The picture below shows us what you can create with the help of Snapchat.

Snapchat filters are best utilized during the festive seasons such as Christmas, New Year’s Eve, or Valentine’s day.  A cupcake shop can create an appealing filter with a valentine cupcake headgear. In addition, they can also add their brand’s logo or name and have it artistically displayed on the filter. It will definitely move the younger generation to share their pictures with the filter

2. Make-Up Filters:

Brands such as MAC cosmetics and Narsissist have implemented the AR Filters, thereby creating their own virtual store. This way of selecting a lip color or foundation has simplified the process.

The ingenious idea about utilizing AR has definitely seen an increase in the purchase and satisfied customers. People can try on as many shades as they like and choose to purchase colors that make them pop or give them a subtle look. It’s an easier, quicker, and fun way to shop for makeup.

To shop on Instagram using AR filters. Look for posts with the basket icon on the top right corner as below:

You can click on browse through Mac cosmetics’ entire page and find the product you want to try on. We have selected the lip shade: Sweet candy yum yum. Select the view product option. And then select the desired shade.

Now, you can select the Try-on option. The AR shopping experience on Instagram will mostly be the same for many brands.

Prior to making its way to Instagram, makeup brands like L’oreal and Sephora tried implementing AR to drive organic traffic and boost sales. When people became aware of these filters, the news spread like fire, and this collaboration was a huge success.

3. Promotional AR Filters:

We have already seen two examples of promotional filters with Make-up and festive Snapchat filters. Promotional AR filters get the following things done.

  • They Spread brand awareness
  • They increase engagement
  • Help you define your brand
  • And ultimately, it brings in more traffic

Promotional filters can also include interactive and engaging AR games that also spread indirect brand awareness.

For example : To promote an upcoming movie, the team could design an AR game or a quiz that asks, Which character are you?

Suppose the movie is Avengers. Users will now be able to see what they would look like as the incredible hulk or the black widow.

Promotional filters are more or less creative ideas that come to life when marketers find an innovative way to attract their target audience.

Some popular examples of Promotional filters are:

  • Adidas’s Retro Instagram story filter
  • Gucci beauty’s Portrait Instagram story filters
  • Rihanna’s Diamond Headgear Filter
  • Kylie’s Cosmetic filter for Instagram story

4. Virtual Try Ons:

A great example of virtual try-on is eyeglasses, both prescription and otherwise. We are sharing two websites that have an excellent grasp of AR filters. It has enabled them to create a virtual platform that delivers.

1. Lenskarts

Lenskart is an Indian eyewear brand that has gone all out with the AR filter. Lenskart’s 3D try-on asks users to move their heads from left to right and right to left to perfectly capture their faces at all angles. When they have successfully captured the face, your ditto (avatar) is ready to try on all the glasses on Lenskart.

In addition to that, the 3d Try-on also suggests a frame shape for your face, based on your face width and overall shape.

This allows you to shop in the comfort of your home. And if you happen to live in metro cities, the deliveries are quick and the prices affordable.

2. Warby Parker

Warby Parker is another well-known brand for eyeglasses also provides the feature to virtually try on glasses before purchasing them. But as of now, the feature only works with the Warby parker iPhone application.

3. Amazon’s View in Your Room:

Then we have an Amazon view in your room, which is quite similar to Ikea’s place app. Both make perfect use of AR filter tech to place virtual and life-size furniture in your room. The convenience urges people to shop online and choose a chair or wardrobe for their room.

It positively deals with buyer’s remorse. It happens when the furniture doesn’t look as good as it did in the shop, but you are mostly stuck with it. That’s why Virtual app with AR effects and filters are such game-changers.  With them, users have already seen this furniture in their homes. Placed it where they wanted it. It is how virtual try-on sucks people in, and the app sees an increase in organic traffic. Even if people do not pick a product, the app also helps them select the right colors for their furniture and get new decor ideas.

How Does AR Filter Work?

The first thing to remember is your filter should not be just another overlay that joins the crowd. It should stand out and be engaging.

It isn’t just startups who need AR filters to keep up with the times. Prominent businesses such as Adidas, Gucci, and Mac Cosmetics are all in the play. And it doesn’t require much effort on their part. Create an Instagram or social media filter, make it available to users for free, and see it work its magic.

People who actively seek out these brands will come across this filter on their own. And those who don’t will find them as they scroll through numerous filters. Either way, these brands remind people of their existence and continue to hold their ranks by accepting and implementing new tech to drive traffic.

And filters don’t always go viral. Sometimes only a few people ever use it, but they do share it with their followers. So, you will reach some of your target audience.

Building Promotional AR Filters:

Building promotional AR Filters is quite similar to creating a marketing plan. It has all three of the following aspects.

  • Objective: Ask the important question. What do you hope to achieve with your filters? Its purpose is to start with brand awareness. Or do you want to engage your audience with the brand? Or is it conversion? The ultimate goal may be the same, but you have set a current objective and take it from there.
  • Audience: Who is the audience? Is your audience pool as large as all the Instagram users? Or is there a specific age group you want to target? Or you could just want new followers. Tailor your AR Filters to meet the requirements of that group of prospective followers or your target audience.
  • The Call To Action: The custom filter needs to satisfy your audience and ultimately fulfill the objective of creating them. If it is an event or festival-based filter, it will only be viable for that day or period. The goal is to build a filter that will help both you and the users get what they want, so the engaging filter needs to lead them somewhere. Remember, it could also be just about spreading awareness.

Organizations that do not deal with technology on a daily basis and might find it a bit difficult to grasp the opportunity presented by AR Filters. It is a concern faced by many, but in reality, AR filters are the quickest and the most affordable mode of promotion businesses. There are quite a few free resources available online, and we have already mentioned them. But if you are so inclined to delegate the work and hire professionals to create these filters, 360 Bright Media will assist you. Our expertise lies in interactive content such as AR filters for Facebook and Instagram. To know more, you can visit our website or contact us with the help of this handy contact form.

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