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VR For Education: Why Teachers Should Use VR in the Classroom
VR For Education: Why Teachers Should Use VR in the Classroom

VR is changing the way we perceive classroom education. It has equipped classrooms with tools that can turn theories into working models, making it easier for students to understand complex topics such as most pertaining to the subject physics. Explaining an atom to a clueless student will definitely improve when teachers can zoom in to an object breaking it down…

The Coronavirus is a Fast-Forward Button for VR/AR
The Coronavirus is a Fast-Forward Button for VR/AR

The Coronavirus pandemic may have temporarily clipped our wings, but like always, we have found ways around it. The digital world has seen a spike in internet usage since the pandemic hit. It has kickstarted a remote working revolution in Indian metropolitan cities. We have also seen the rise in popularity of video conferencing apps such as Zoom and Google…